Friday, May 15, 2015

Cristian 2 - Reflecting and Responding

For my first responding and reflecting entry, I will be analyzing the following passage from the fifth chapter Lolita.

"Now I wish to introduce the following idea. Between the age limits of
nine and fourteen there occur maidens who, to certain bewitched travelers,
twice or many times older than they, reveal their true nature which is not
human, but nymphic (that is, demoniac); and these chosen creatures I propose
to designate as 'nymphets.'" (Pg. 16)

When I first read this passage, I taken aback by this idea because it was a new one that hadn't crossed my mind when first thinking of the motivations and justifications behind pedophilia. I always assumed that pedophiles craved the innocence of children but this idea of the "nymphet" child differentiated Humbert from the preexisting idea that was in my head. Because of this, I was able to not necessarily sympathize but understand Humbert's idea. Even after I carried on reading, the passage still stuck with me because all I could think of were girls I remember from school who fit the idea of a "nymphet". The ones that grew up too fast, at an almost worrying rate. I could only imagine having a daughter who fell into this character or, even worse, realizing it when it's too late. The level of vigilance I would have to subject my own child to would be pretty worrisome.

The "nymphet" idea appears frequently throughout the novel and every time I was met with it, I was able to see how this idea could garner the same reaction I had. Granted, I would say I'm a very open person, and if this drew a reaction out of me, I can see how society could quickly reject the idea and dispute it as a justification for selfish desires. But I went in with an open mind and made an effort to ask questions and reflect to myself. Post modernism definitely has an appetite for breaking the molds of the past but there is always a metaphorical line in sand. Oddly enough, the idea alleviated the discomfort I had beginning the novel because I was able to tell myself that he wasn't necessarily taking advantage girls, but seeking those who were not so innocent; and to me, Dolores Hazes was the most extreme example of the idea.

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